Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to programmatically  control the Logitech Orbit Camera  using C++,VC++

Today I am going to share my knowledge on how to control the Logitech Orbit camera using C++.

This camera has the feature of turning pan-Horizontal movement,Tilt-Vertical Movement and Zoom up to 4X.
When we are building applications where we need to manually control the motion of the camera,we can't use the software provided by Logitech.Instead we need to write our own peace of code to control this.

I think it's better to discuss about only one function of this code for the readers to get a good understanding about the code 

//This method is used to control the rotation of the camera.
void Cameramen::RotateCamera(long valueX,long valueY,long z)

This peace of code is used to control all the movements of the camera.I'll describe how.
What is the actual work needed to be done by the programmer is to call this method with the required values for the rotation.

 valueX is the Pan value-Positive numbers to turn the camera into right and negative number to turn the camera to the left.
valueY is the Tilt value-Positive numbers to turn the camera upwards and negative  number to turn the camera downwards.
z is for zoom- value 100 would be the least zoom ,value 400 would be the maximum zoom and Values in between will result in different zoom levels.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to integrate Sharepoint dispose checker into Visual Studio 2010

The first thing you have to do is .Install the spdisposechecker into your machine. You can download the the spDisposeChecker here

Follow the steps for the installation 
1. Run the SPDisposeCheck.msi
2.Click Next

3.Select I agree for the licence agreement click Next.

4.Select the Install Visual studio addin -leave this as blank if you wanted to run as command line tool .Even  if you untick this, you can add the addin to the Visual studio, we will discuss that later.
Tick the Excecute spDisposeCheck if you wanted to run the tool soon after the installation

5.Select an Installation path -note the installation location, this will be used if you didn't tick the install visual studio addin in the previous step.
Click Next

6.Click Close to finish the installation

7.Restart Visual studio -You will find the spDisposeCheck under tools. 

If you havent tick the check Install Visual studio addin follow the steps to add the spDisposeCheck tool to visual studio.

1.Go to Tools -> External tools 
2.Click Add
3.Fill the fields according to the bellow image.

Select the spDisposeCheck installation location for the command textbox.

Run the spDisposeChecke tool to check for any memory leaks this will provide the result in to the output window

·         SPDisposeCheckID_170 It is NOT necessary to dispose the SPWeb object returned by SPWeb.ParentWeb. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework.

·         SPDisposeCheckID_140 It is NOT necessary to dispose the SPWeb object returned by SPWeb.RootWeb. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework.

·         SPDisposeCheckID_220 It is NOT necessary to dispose SPContext objects on your code, since they are managed by the SharePoint framework.

·         SPDisposeCheckID_210 It is NOT necessary to dispose SPContext object returned from calling SPControl.GetContextSite and SPControl.GetContextWeb Methods, since they are managed by the SharePoint framework.

Note: This tool may report errors which are not actually memory leaks, otherwise known as false positives.
Further investigation should be done to identify and correct real errors.
It is designed to assist developers in making sure their code adheres to best practices for memory allocation when using SharePoint APIs.
Please see the following for more information: